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Leadership Russell County

Leadership Russell County, sponsored by the Russell County Chamber of Commerce, is a proactive series of field trips designed to expose current and emerging leaders to Russell County’s greatest challenges and opportunities. The program was developed to build a network of informed, capable, and willing leaders to guide this county’s future and share a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.


The six-month intensive program begins in September with half-day sessions scheduled on the fourth Tuesday each month with the exception of December and January. Half-day sessions begin at 11:30 AM with a networking luncheon and conclude generally by 4:00 PM. A graduation celebration will be held in the form of a houseboat tour of beautiful Lake Cumberland.


Leadership Russell County addresses topics including tourism, economic development, industry, government/public services, agriculture, healthcare, education, and youth opportunities. Programs are held at various locations throughout Russell County, providing participants an opportunity to view some of our community’s unique facilities.


Participants in Leadership Russell County are selected after submitting a completed application. All local businesses are encouraged to nominate employees for this opportunity.


For further information on Leadership Russell County, contact the Russell County Chamber of Commerce at (270) 866-4303.




Russell County Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 64
650 South Hwy. 127
Russell Springs, KY 42642


Office Hours:

Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm



Phone:  270-866-4303

Copyright Russell County Chamber 2025

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