Each committee is formed by the authority of the Bylaws and assignments to committees made by the Chamber President and/or Subcommittee Chair.
Executive Committee (Article VII, Section II)
Christin Matney, President
Stacey Popplewell, Vice-President
Patti Lamb, Treasurer
Rhonda Redmon, Executive Director
Nominating Committee
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell, Chair
Lisa Gosser
Joy Fletcher
Brittany Stephens
Financial Affairs Committee
(Article VII, Section III)
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Steven Fletcher, Co-Chair
Stacey Popplewell, Chair
Patti Lamb
Kim Byrom
Tiffany Wilson
Eric West
Other assignments made as necessary
Community Affairs Committee
(Article VII, Section IV)
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell
Joy Fletcher
Lisa Gosser
Brittany Stephens
Jamie York
Tristan Bonnstetter
Cory Roy
Teresa Bernard
Blake Aaron
Wes Bryant
Other assignments made as necessary
Banquet Committee
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell, Chair
Lindsey W. Gosser
Shelley Stoyell
Barbara Sharpe
Brett Aaron
Ashley Hutchison
Brittany Stephens
Lisa Gosser
Stephen Hill
Danielle Wilson
Other assignments made as necessary
Activities and Events Committee
(Article VII, Section V)
Eric West, Chair
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Michael A. Ford
Eddie Thomas
Kim Byrom
Shannon Stephens
Zach Wilson
Jeramy Coffey
Danielle Wilson
Stephen Eastin
Heather Weaver
Shelley Stoyell
Golf Scramble Subcommittee
Eric West, Chair
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell
Stephen Hill
Brittany Stephens
Alan Coffey
Sherry Selby
Lisa Gosser
Wes Bryant
Tristan Bonnstetter
Other assignments made as necessary
Education and Leadership Committee
(Article VII, Section VI)
Christy Martin, Chair
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell
Michael Ford
Sarah Roy
Robin Rixon
Regenia Haugen
Mason Stogsdill
Kim Kelsey
Other assignments made as necessary
Public Relations Committee
(Article VII, Section VII)
Eric West, Chair
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell
Lisa Gosser
Patti Lamb
Brittany Stephens
Joy Fletcher
Rick Miles
Ashley Hutchinson
Membership BLITZ Subcommittee
Christin Matney, Ex-Officio
Stacey Popplewell, Chair
Kim Kelsey
Barbara Sharpe
Eric West
Other assignments made as necessary
Community Development & Retail Strategies
Eric West, Team Leader
Randy Marcum, Russell County Judge Executive
Eddie Thomas, Mayor of Russell Springs
Regena Hinton, Mayor of Jamestown
Clint Voils, Russell County IDA Director
Stacey Popplewell, Vice- President of RC Chamber of Commerce
Lisa Gosser, LCADD
Alan Coffey, SKRECC
Rhonda Redmon, Executive Director of RC Chamber of Commerce
Personnel Committee
Current President
Past President
Vice President
Joy Fletcher, Veteran Chamber member
Eric West, Veteran Chamber member
Russell Springs / Jamestown, KENTUCKY
The name of the organization shall be the
“Russell County Chamber of Commerce”
and the location of the principal office shall be in Russell County, Kentucky.
SECTION I – The Russell County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is organized to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Russell County by advancing the agricultural, civic, commercial, educational, health, industrial, tourism and general interests of the Russell County area.
SECTION II – This organization in its activity shall be non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-discriminatory.
SECTION I – Individuals, firms, organizations and corporations in good standing, interested in its objectives, shall be eligible to membership in the Russell County Chamber of Commerce, Inc., except as provided in Section IV of this Article.
SECTION II – Individuals, firms, organizations, and corporations shall have one individual as representative of that member. The individual of record can be represented by a proxy.
SECTION III – Any person, firm, association or corporation eligible for membership may acquire as many as two (2) additional memberships by undertaking to pay the annual dues of each such membership and may designate an individual to represent each such membership.
SECTION IV – No individual, firm, organization or corporation whose allegiance, activities, or purposes are against the best interests of the people of Kentucky, of the United States, or to the purpose for which this corporation is organized, and no officer, director, trustee, member or employee of any such firm, organization or corporation shall be eligible for membership in this corporation.
SECTION V – A member whose personal conduct is such to make further affiliation with the Corporation undesirable may be expelled from the Corporation. The Executive Committee, after a substantive investigation, shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors based on their investigation. The decision of the Board is final.
SECTION I – The base dues of all members shall be established by the Board of Directors. The dues structure shall be an agreed amount published separately from this Constitution and Bylaws.
SECTION II – The dues of each member shall be due and payable January 1st of each fiscal year.
SECTION III – No member shall be entitled to vote whose dues are delinquent in excess of 90 days.
SECTION IV – For membership purposes, “in good standing” is defined as that individual, firm, organization, or corporation having paid their membership dues for the current year.
SECTION I – The government of the corporation, the direction of its work and the control of its property shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of twenty-seven (27) persons:
Fifteen (15) elected members, one-third (1/3) of whom shall be elected annually for a term of three years.
The elected officers of the corporation – the President, Vice President, and Treasurer,
The Immediate Past President of the Chamber,
The Mayor of the City of Jamestown,
The Mayor of the City of Russell Springs,
The County Judge of Russell County,
An annual term representative from a community organization as recommended by the nominating committee,
The Chair of the Russell County Industrial Development Authority,
The Chair of the Russell County Tourist Commission,
The Superintendent of the Russell County School District.
The President of the Leadership Russell Alumni
An individual can only hold one position while serving on the Board of Directors. The Directors shall have the power to fill all vacancies on the Board, which occur between annual elections. Those appointed by the Directors to fill vacancies on the board shall serve from the time of their appointment until the next annual election.
SECTION II – The Board of Directors may also annually appoint an Executive Director and fix said salary. They shall approve the selection of additional members of the Corporation staff made by the Executive Director and fix the salaries of such staff members.
SECTION III – The Board of Directors shall take office on the first day of January each year.
SECTION IV- Five Board members, including one elected officer, will constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors. Any member of the Board of Directors may send an authorized person, with written proxy, to represent them and vote at board meetings in the event that they cannot attend.
SECTION V- Notice of any board meeting will require at least 24 hours prior notice, either in writing, by telecommunication, or by other electronic means.
SECTION VI – Elected Board members missing four (4) consecutive Board meetings will be subject to removal from the Board and will occur only by a vote of the Board. Vacancies shall be filled as specified in Section I.
SECTION I – The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Corporation and the Board of Directors and perform all other duties incidental to the office.
SECTION II – The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President and shall perform other duties as directed by the President. In the absence of the two officers named, a member of the Board of Directors shall be chosen by the Board to act as the Board Meeting Chair.
SECTION III – The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation and shall sign all checks of the Corporation except, in the Treasurer’s absence, the President may sign checks.
SECTION IV – The duties of the officers shall be such as their titles, by general usage, would indicate and such as are required by law and such as may be assigned to them respectively by the Board of Directors from time to time.
SECTION V – The Vice-President shall move up each year to the Presidency on the first day of January of each year.
SECTION VI – Any officer of the Corporation may be removed from office for cause, that is, misconduct or neglect of duty while in office. The President shall chair a committee consisting of the other elected officer not charged with misconduct and five other Board members to investigate the charges. (If it is the President who is being charged, the Vice-President shall appoint and chair this committee.) This committee, after completing a substantive investigation, shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors based on their investigation. The decision of the Board is final.
SECTION I – The President, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, shall annually appoint members of the following standing committees. The President, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, may appoint special committees, if the need for such committee arises.
SECTION II – There shall be an Executive Committee comprised of the three (3) elected officers and the Executive Director.
SECTION III – There shall be a Financial Affairs Committee chaired by the Vice-President and with sufficient membership whose duties shall be: (1) to examine and audit the books and accounts of the Corporation at the close of each business year and to report its findings to the Board of Directors for publication in its annual report to the membership; and (2) to prepare an annual budget detailing anticipated revenue and planned expenditures of the Corporation and to prepare and present this budget prior to the start of each new year.
SECTION IV – There shall be a Community Affairs Committee chaired by a Board Member and with sufficient membership for the purposes of promoting local business and agricultural interests, improving overall economic development, and monitoring/lobbying appropriate legislative activities.
SECTION V – There shall be an Activities and Events Committee chaired by a Board Member and with sufficient membership for the purposes of organizing the Annual Banquet and for planning other events as authorized by the Board.
SECTION VI – There shall be an Education and Leadership Committee chaired by a Board Member and with sufficient membership for the promotion and expansion of both leadership development and educational opportunities within the county. This committee will also act as the liaison with Leadership Russell County.
SECTION VII – There shall be a Public Relations Committee chaired by a Board Member and with sufficient membership for the purposes of marketing and promoting existing Chamber members as well as soliciting new members.
SECTION VIII – It shall be the function of the committees to investigate and make recommendations. No committee shall have the power to commit the Corporation on any matter of general policy. It is the duty of committee members to remain within the authority granted them by the Board, to exercise fiduciary responsibility in carrying out their duties, and to report on their activities at each Board meeting. The President or the Chair of such committees may call meetings of committees.
SECTION IX – The President of the Chamber shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
SECTION I – The Annual Meeting of the Corporation shall be held during the spring of each year.
SECTION II – A Board of Directors meeting will be called by the President at least once each quarter.
SECTION III – Special meetings of the members of the Corporation may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or by written petition signed by not less than one-tenth of all members authorized by the Articles of Incorporation to vote.
SECTION IV – A written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting, and in case of a special meeting, the purpose for which the meeting was called, shall be delivered or mailed by the Executive Director or by the officers or persons calling the meeting, to each member of record entitled by the Articles of Incorporation at least five days before the date of the meeting.
SECTION V – A Luncheon Meeting will be held monthly at a date, time and location to be determined by the Board and is open to all members.
SECTION VI – QUORUM – Five percent of the members qualified by the Articles of Incorporation to vote as members represented in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION I – During November of each year an election shall be held in the following manner:
(1) A reasonable time previous to the annual election, the President
shall appoint a nominating committee composed of not less than
three members of the Corporation in good standing whose duty it
shall be to nominate at least one candidate for each of the offices
to be filled by election at the ensuing annual elections.
(2) The members of the Corporation in good standing shall be duly
notified ten days in advance when the election is held.
(3) Each member present at the meeting shall be provided with a list of the current membership.
(4) After the nominating committee presents its report, and after other nominations are sought from the floor, the President shall conduct a vote according to parliamentary procedures for the election of the Vice-President and Treasurer.
(5) After the report of the nominating committee, and after nominations are sought from the floor, the President shall conduct a vote according to parliamentary procedures, for the election of the (5) seats on the Board of Directors of the Corporation in the following manner: Each member present shall be entitled to cast secret ballots for up to five (5) candidates of their choice. The five persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.
SECTION II – The President and Vice President shall serve for a period of one year. The Treasurer shall serve for a period of one year and can be re-elected to that office.
SECTION III –The duly elected Vice-President, after having served a year in office, shall succeed the President into office. Should the office of Vice-President be vacated during the year, the Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint a replacement and that person would exercise the rights and privileges of this office. This appointed Vice-President serves only until the next scheduled election of officers. At that time a new President and Vice-President are elected.
SECTION IV – In the interim between the election of the new President and the Annual Banquet the new President shall call a meeting of all Directors to discuss with them plans for the coming year.
SECTION I – All money paid to the Chamber shall be placed in a general operating fund or such special accounts as the Board of Directors may designate. All funds shall be deposited in federally insured accounts in financial institution(s) approved by the Board of Directors.
SECTION II – All disbursements of funds shall be made by check. With the exception of expenditures of up to $250.00, which may be approved by the President, no obligations or expenses shall be incurred and no money shall be disbursed without prior approval of the Board of Directors. Upon approval of the budget for the year by the Board of Directors, the President or Treasurer may make disbursements for routine and legitimate expenses without any further approval of the Board of Directors. Authorization for disbursements for more than $250.00 not considered routine or part of the previously approved budget may be obtained by a majority vote of the Board of Directors present at any Board meeting, provided, however, that a quorum of the Board are present.
SECTION I – The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on January 1 of each year, ending December 31.
SECTION II – The Corporate Seal shall have inscribed thereon the name of the Corporation – RUSSELL COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., RUSSELL COUNTY, KENTUCKY.
SECTION III – All questions of procedures not covered by this Constitution and Bylaws shall be determined in accordance with the latest version of “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised”.
SECTION IV – The Chamber of Commerce shall deny all requests for special or regular advertising or donations to charitable, religious, non-profit, recreational, youth or promotional programs that are not in conformation with regular Chamber activities. No donations shall be recurring, unless the Chamber deems the donation will promote the Chamber of Commerce as stated in the Bylaws, Article II, Section I.
SECTION I – These by-laws may be amended or repealed or new by-laws adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Corporation present at its Annual Meeting, Monthly Meeting, or at any Special Meeting called for the purpose, provided that such amendments shall be plainly stated in the notice of the meeting at which they are to be considered. Amendments to these Bylaws shall take effect immediately upon its adoption unless the motion to adopt specifies another time for its becoming effective.